My Husband Created a New Schedule for Me to ‘Become a Better Wife’ — I Taught Him a Good Lesson in Response

Marriage is built on love, respect, and equality. So, imagine my surprise when my husband, Jake, handed me a detailed schedule outlining how I could “become a better wife.” Instead of reacting with anger, I chose a different approach, determined to teach him a lesson he’d never forget. And trust me, Jake never saw it coming.

Jake and I had always had a solid marriage. Sure, we had our ups and downs like any couple, but we were equals. Jake, bless his heart, was prone to getting swept up in new ideas—whether it was a YouTube video about life transformation or a hobby he suddenly needed to master. Normally, I just went with it. But things changed after Jake started hanging out with Steve.

Steve was one of those guys who thought he knew everything—relationships, fitness, career advice—you name it. The kicker? He was perpetually single. That didn’t stop him from offering Jake relationship advice, and before long, Jake was parroting some of Steve’s views about marriage. Let’s just say they weren’t exactly progressive.

It started with small comments. “Steve says marriages work best when the wife manages the household,” Jake would say, as though Steve were some expert. Or, “Steve thinks women should always look their best for their husbands.” I’d roll my eyes, hoping this phase would pass. But Jake’s attitude began to change.

Suddenly, he’d sigh loudly if I ordered takeout after a long day at work, and he’d raise his eyebrows when the laundry piled up. It was as if my husband, my equal, had started viewing me through a filter of outdated expectations. But nothing prepared me for what came next.

One evening, Jake came home looking particularly smug. He sat me down, unfolded a piece of paper, and slid it across the table like he was delivering some grand proclamation. “Lisa,” he began, “you’re a great wife, but Steve helped me realize there’s room for improvement.”

I stared at him in disbelief. Improvement? I had a full-time job, kept our home running, and somehow, I needed to be “better”? Jake nodded as though he was sharing some profound wisdom. “Steve and I put together this schedule for you, just a little structure to help you be the best wife you can be.”

I unfolded the paper. At the top, in bold letters, it read: “Lisa’s Weekly Routine for Becoming a Better Wife.” The schedule was absurd. I was expected to wake up at 5 a.m. every day to make Jake a gourmet breakfast, hit the gym for an hour to “stay in shape,” and then tackle a never-ending list of chores before heading to work. Evenings were reserved for cooking dinner from scratch and preparing snacks for when his friends came over. It was sexist, ridiculous, and frankly, insulting.

But instead of losing my temper, I smiled sweetly. “You’re right, Jake. I’m so lucky to have this schedule. I’ll start tomorrow.” Jake beamed, thinking he had me right where he wanted. Little did he know, the game was about to change.

The next morning, I looked at the list again and decided it was time for Jake to see how much “improvement” he could handle. I typed up my own list: “Jake’s Plan for Becoming the Best Husband Ever.”

First on the list? A gym membership—after all, Jake wanted me to stay in shape, so he’d need a personal trainer. $1,200 a year seemed reasonable. Then, I added his insistence on organic, non-GMO groceries—that would be an extra $700 a month. And, of course, a cooking class because gourmet meals don’t just happen. But the real kicker? If I was going to follow this insane schedule, I wouldn’t have time for work. Naturally, Jake would need to replace my $75,000 salary. And for good measure, I budgeted $50,000 for a man cave, where he and his friends could hang out.

I printed out the list, placed it on the kitchen counter, and waited for Jake to come home. When he saw the paper, he asked, “What’s this?”

“Oh, just a little schedule I made for you,” I said, grinning. “You know, to help you be the best husband ever.”

At first, Jake laughed, thinking I was playing along. But as he read through the details—$1,200 for a trainer, $75,000 to replace my salary, $50,000 for a man cave—his smile faded. “Wait, $700 a month for groceries? $75,000 for your salary? Are you serious?”

I crossed my arms. “Well, you expect me to be a full-time cook, cleaner, and hostess. We’d need to budget for that.”

Jake’s eyes widened as he realized how absurd his demands had been. “I didn’t mean for it to be like this,” he stammered.

“You thought I’d just follow this ridiculous schedule?” I asked. “Jake, marriage isn’t about control. It’s about respect and partnership.”

Jake apologized, finally understanding the gravity of his mistake. We tore up both schedules and laughed about it. He learned an important lesson: marriage isn’t about one partner fixing the other. It’s about growing together, respecting each other, and knowing that equality is the foundation of a strong relationship.

And Jake? Well, let’s just say he won’t be taking advice from Steve anytime soon.

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